Frequently Asked Questions

How can I verify a Healthpick membership card ?

Within your on-line portal there is a button option which allows you to verify the Healthpick card details. The patient will present their details to you with their card.

How can I update my practice details?

Within your on-line portal press the button 'View or update practice details' and you can edit these details.

How can I use the member benefits ?
Within your on-line portal there is a partner offer section. When you call the supplier please quote your GP link username for your discount.
When will I be paid for direct reimbursement?
This will be subject to the insurer policy. In your portal there will be a list of all payments submitted. Please collect any excess from the patient. This will be worked out for you by the software portal provided by GPlink.
What about collecting payment from policy holders that pay directly to practices ?
There will be many policy holders using the network that will only be entitled to the fixed fee scale or 20% fee reduction. These patients will have a Healthpick membership card. Please collect the full amount due minus any discount directly from the policyholder. If you need to verify the member please log in to your portal and use the verification too
How do I register more than one practice?
Please create one account for each practice. For group practices of more than 10 please contact out IT support desk or email
Who do I contact if I have IT issues ?
Please raise an IT Support ticket when you log in to your on-line portal. The IT support team will contact you. Alternatively you can email
What if I need general advice or I have a general query ?
Please contact your Sector Manager who is responsible for your practice. The name will appear in your welcome email.